Oak Crest Academy

An Introduction to Gifted Children Education – What Is It?

Gifted children education is any educational program that caters to children identified as academically talented. There is no universal definition or list of characteristics that might qualify a child to enter a gifted education program, but most gifted schools require kids to pass one of the following tests to highlight areas in which they may excel beyond other kids of the same age:

These tests, plus many similar examinations, are used to determine a child’s suitability to gifted children education. Assessments for entry typically include in-person interviews or on-site school visits, which allow school administrators to assess a child’s personality and behavior patterns to ensure that they will fit into a school catering to students with advanced abilities.

Accelerated Learning for Brighter Futures

According to the National Association for Gifted Children, most standard education programs fail to challenge gifted students because the teachers lack the training and time to provide guidance at an accelerated level. They have to cater to all of their students, and that includes kids performing under or at their grade level. Gifted children are often overlooked or may even act out due to boredom with repetitious material.

Gifted children education programs often allow students to learn material one time and quickly move on to something new. Children are grouped according to their level and interests, allowing the class to move at an accelerated pace without leaving anyone behind. These students master more material every school year than the average student not attending a gifted school.

The Benefits of Gifted Children Education

Accelerated learning often opens doors that can change the future for exceptionally gifted and talented children. Here are some of the opportunities that may come from attending gifted children education:

It’s common for gifted schools to allow more flexibility than most other schools. One student may take a sixth-grade math class and a seventh-grade English class when they’re technically in the fourth grade. Another student may skip a grade or two altogether, allowing them to receive instruction according to their abilities rather than their age.

Talented Educational Programs

Programs designed for children with incredible talent are often grouped in with gifted education programs because they also cater to kids and teenagers with extraordinary abilities. While these students may also excel at academics, a talented program is focused more on developing exceptional skill with music, dance or artistic expression.

Parents sign their kids up to these programs because they will receive professional instruction in their area of talent while receiving a quality education. This allows a talented child to audition for professional opportunities and prepare for a career in the arts while surrounded by other students with the same aspirations. The teachers are also more understanding of what motivates these driven students to succeed, so they are better role models for talented youth.

If you think that your child is gifted and would benefit from gifted children education that challenges them to a much higher degree, start by having them complete at least one of the tests listed at the beginning of this page. Many gifted schools will offer these examinations free of charge for all children submitting applications to join the program.

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