Oak Crest Academy

Do You Have a Gifted Child?

Gifted children come from all kinds of backgrounds, regardless of location, socioeconomic status or ethnicity. Although gifted and talented children come from all walks of life, they do tend to have certain abilities and behaviors in common that differentiate them from most other children. Here are a few traits that are exhibited by gifted children:

Intellectual Ability

It goes without saying that gifted children exhibit exceptional intellectual ability. However, this ability can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the child. He or she can exhibit exceptional general intellectual ability, which could manifest itself in many different ways such as:

Additionally, a child can exhibit a specific academic or creative ability, whether it is music, dance, mathematics or any other type of exceptional skill. Gifted children tend to pursue such interests with vigor, often achieving technically impressive feats from a young age.


Another facet of high intelligence in young children is leadership. Gifted children often are able to exhibit a high level of emotional maturity with respect to responsibility, expectations and self-expression.  Whereas most children are focused on normal pursuits such as playing outdoors or with toys, a gifted child may be preoccupied with more complex thoughts. For example, gifted children often are able to perceive injustice, consequences and the implications of their decisions.


Most children have active imaginations and a sense of humor. Gifted children, however, tend to excel at independent thinking and originality in their oral and written expressions. Such creativity may also manifest itself in the child’s artwork, musical ability, or other type of artistic pursuit.

If your child exhibits some or many of these traits, there is a good chance that he or she is gifted. Make sure to give your child every opportunity to succeed by considering a school for the gifted and talented.

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