Oak Crest Academy

Extracurricular Activities to Keep Your Gifted Child Stimulated

A gifted child’s mind constantly seems to be turning, and it can be challenging to keep their scheduled filled with activities that nurture their creativity and intelligence. While your gifted child will naturally lean toward certain subjects, it is also important to introduce them to new fields of study that can help them stay well-rounded. As you plan your child’s upcoming school year, use these ideas to create a game plan for extracurricular activities that will foster your gifted learner’s intellectual growth and development.

Journalism or Creative Writing
Getting their thoughts out on paper can give your child an outlet while also helping them strengthen their communication skills. For gifted children, journalism is a great starting point for learning how to report news that makes a difference in the community. If factual writing is less your child’s style, then creative writing groups can allow your child to expand their imagination while building upon their writing strategies.

Too much intellectual activity can cause your child to neglect their physical health. Gifted children are also prone to stress, and it is important to teach them ways to relax. Taking a yoga class will give your child time in their schedule that is specifically designated for physical activity. Additionally, manipulating their body into poses and practicing deep breathing will promote relaxation that can clear your child’s mind and fill them with confidence.

Service-Learning Projects
Volunteering in the community builds leadership skills while giving kids opportunities for socialization. As your child works side-by-side with others, they learn powerful lessons about how important their contributions can be to society. From packing lunch bags for the homeless to cleaning up the beach, service-learning projects give gifted children real life experiences where they can practice their skills and develop new ones. As an added bonus, service-learning projects look great on those college applications.

Public speaking is one of the most feared skills among adults, yet starting your gifted child in a speech class can help them overcome this common barrier to success while they are young enough to adapt. In a speech class, your child will be provided with opportunities to develop their oral communication skills in a supportive environment. If this makes them nervous, then don’t worry. Classes designed for gifted children use a variety of techniques such as performing in skits and mock trials that take the pressure off of having to perform until they are ready to stand behind the podium.

Foreign Language Learning
Today’s global economy demands that children leave school knowing at least one language other than their own. Currently, Mandarin Chinese is one language that is highly sought after among professionals due to its prevalence in the business field. For gifted children, learning a language that involves new characters and completely foreign sounds can be more stimulating than a language they have heard before in their every day life. It is also important to note that learning a new language increase neural activity in the brain that can have a positive impact upon the other areas of your child’s education.

Keeping your gifted child fully immersed in learning opportunities is the best way to keep that little mind churning with knowledge. Whether your gifted child leans toward serving in the local animal shelter or turning upside down on a yoga mat, planning a few extracurricular activities will give them an outlet to develop their personality along with their intelligence.

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