Oak Crest Academy

Learning Healthy Eating Habits at School

As parents and educators, we understand the true importance of healthy eating and the role that nutrition plays in a child’s physical development as well as cognitive and learning capabilities. Encouraging healthy eating habits as part of the school routine is central to getting kids to eat healthier foods, keeping them active, and helping them to learn the importance of nutritious eating. The New York Times recently published a piece called “Why Students Hate School Lunches;” if we turn that around and look at what can happen when students love school lunches (and healthy ones at that), meal programs in schools can help to support healthy routines that can stick with a child throughout his or her life.

Here at Oak Crest, we have partnered with Rita’s Catering to provide healthy and organic lunch options. With delicious and health-oriented meals at school, students have the opportunity to learn the importance of nutritional foods. We hope to instill these important ideals that will support lifelong healthy eating habits.

Click here and here to read two pieces for Huffington Post on the subject of healthy eating in schools.