Oak Crest Academy

Remembering 9/11 With A Commitment to Service

This year on the anniversary of September 11th, many are commemorating the day by building a legacy of service. As we reflect on the lives lost and the bravery of thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives that day, we may also honor their memory with acts of service. Be it volunteering at a local organization, cleaning up a park, or interacting with others in the community, we are encouraged to lend a hand to service and in turn inspire the next generation, our children, to serve.

Explaining the significance of 9/11 to your children can be a difficult process. Capturing the strength, resilience, and camaraderie of what we felt 14 years ago today is no easy feat. Perhaps the commitment to service and giving back to our communities at this time will help to tap into that feeling of solidarity that we all felt in the days following September 11th, 2001.

Here at Oak Crest we place strong emphasis on the importance of service learning: the concept of combining both service and learning together to allow us to address need within the community. Our students are provided the opportunity to invest their skills and ideas to a wide variety of projects that will tie classroom learning in with the community that they live in. Whether this weekend in memory of 9/11 or another weekend this fall, consider spending time with your child to build your own legacy of service. Let us never forget the date of September 11th; let us honor it with service.

Click here to read more about building a legacy of service from Mary Beth Bruggeman for Huffington Post.