Oak Crest Academy

The Benefits of a Summer Enrichment Camp

Throughout the years summer programs for academically gifted children have encourage many students on their educational pursuits. Although many summer programs are offered through colleges and universities, some private and gifted schools sponsor summer camps as well. These summer enrichment camps enable students to explore specialized topics that are not typically studied in a regular classroom. The school or college often presents a variety of interesting topics such as mosaic tiles, robotics, languages, movie production, and painting. With so many options, many parents would like to know the benefits of a summer program. Here are the top three advantages to enrolling a gifted student in a summer enrichment camp.

Experience Challenging Academia
Many gifted children decide to enroll in a summer program to experience a challenging academic curriculum. In most cases, the schools that they attend do not offer stimulating subjects; therefore, some gifted students fail to develop proper study habits and organizational skills. When chosen strategically, summer programs can promote excellent critical thinking skills among children in k-8 education.

Meet Like-minded Friends
Attending k-8 education programs in the summer can also offer gifted students the opportunity to build friendships with children who share similar interests. Many gifted students are interested in adult-related topics such as world events and politics and, as a result, most have trouble meeting friends who match their intellectual level. Because some of the best summer programs encompass participants from around the world, bright students are often introduced to children who share similar concerns about current events.

Acquire Independent Living Skills
Residential summer programs enable bright children to obtain independent living skills. Additionally, many summer programs are held on college campuses, so students will also be exposed to higher education. When students study rigorous subjects in an environment without their parents, they are preparing for the upcoming school year as well as college. Some residential summer programs even offer advanced classes to students who would like to receive high school credit. These advanced classes ultimately enable bright children to enroll in rigorous subjects throughout the school year and/or graduate from high school earlier than their peers.

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