Oak Crest Academy

Why It is Important to Identify Gifted Children Early

Teachers are often on the lookout for problems in children so that, if spotted early, their parents can seek treatment for them. Too often, however, teachers think they see a behavior or learning problem and it is really a talent in disguise. A child may not be able to sit down in class and may behave disruptively. Alternatively, he or she may sit there and not participate in class discussions, but look boredly out the window. The student may be sullen or disrespectful and say lessons are “boring” or “too easy.” In such a case, a student may be in danger of being labeled as having a problem when he or she may belong in a gifted program.

How Gifted Kids Can Seem Like Problem Kids

Gifted children can at first glance appear to be difficult students:

However, on further investigation, one can soon discover that the child is bored with schoolwork because it really is too easy for him or her and that he or she does not need to spend much time on schoolwork to excel.  In addition, a student may not fit in with his or her peer group because the child belongs in a school that is better suited to his or her needs and temperament.

What Gifted Education Provides

Gifted education provides the exceptional child with teachers who understand that he or she may be a few levels higher than the traditional curriculum for their age group. A gifted program:

A gifted learning program can be transformative and provide the exceptional student an opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential in a supportive learning environment.

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