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Gifted Testing - IQ Testing - Educational Testing - Oak Crest Academy

Gifted Testing and IQ Testing

Gifted testing, or IQ testing, provides an objective and systematic way for identifying gifted and talented learners. Cognitive ability and achievement tests provide numbers or scores to describe a student’s performance in relation to their peers. Tests are a common means for assessing and determining giftedness. And although tests should not serve as the sole source of identification, tests should be used in conjuction with other various subjective assessment tools.

Additionally, gifted testing/IQ testing is often used as benchmark requirements for entrance into specific education programs, or if a discrepancy in learning is suspected. Oak Crest Academy accepts several various brands of testing required for entry, as recommended by the NAGC.

IQ Testing

Please attach one of the tests listed below with your application. If you do not have one of the tests below, please contact our office to schedule a group testing at our school location. There is no additional cost to take this test.

  • Stanford Binet (L-M)
  • Wescher Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), or Wechsler Preschool and Primary (WPPSI)
  • Woodcock Johnson
  • CogAT
  • SAGES-2
  • Hemmon-Nelson
  • Ravens Progressive Matrices

Gifted Testing for Kindergarten Admission

While experts have differing opinions on whether to test young children, researchers generally agree that it is difficult to make accurate IQ or gifted determinations at an early age (under 6). For younger children, alternative measures of giftedness include characteristic checklists, teacher recommendation, and portfolios.

Therefore, students in Kindergarten are not required to submit an IQ test with the application. You may download our gifted characteristic checklist that may be submitted with your application, attach teacher recommendations or make an appointment to display a portfolio of work.

Gifted children generally possess unique talents in one or two areas.
Here's a characteristics and behavioral indicators checklist.

Los Angeles Campus
Grades 7-12
225 S Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Our Los Angeles location opened in September 2018. We are currently accepting applications. Interested families should email or call us to schedule a tour.
Pomona Campus
Grades K-12
2350 S Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91766
Our largest campus is set in a residential neighborhood in Pomona offering a balanced and enriching educational experience for Kindergarten through Twelfth grade.